The Magic Within

One Month Manifesting Workshop!

(This is a Self-Study Course)



Manifesting. The Law of Attraction. Energetically drawing in the life you desire.

It sounds amazing, but…I get the resistance. It almost sounds too good to be true. The skeptic in me needed a lot of convincing back in the day.

And i’m not here to convince you of anything….I’m here to teach you what I know.

You see.. I've been reading about and learning about the Law of Attraction since "The Secret" came out back in 2007. It intrigued the crap out of me because... well..
it sounded like magic. 

Ever since I was a child I've been fascinated by magic. Long before Harry Potter came out, I used to ask my parents for spell books, light incense in my room, and dream I could conjure up whatever I wanted. Maybe I could make that cute boy in my class have a crush on me or maybe I could call in a trip to Disney World. 

Although I longed for my spell books of enchantments and love spells to be real, they never really were. It's why I was always found with my nose buried in a book. Inside the pages, I could be whisked away to lands where one ring could rule the world, chambermaids had fairy godmothers, and eleven-year-olds could receive letters from schools telling them they were a witch or a wizard. Those books made what I longed for real. 

So when The Secret first aired, I deeply desired it to be true. I wanted so badly to find magic in the world and to harness its power. So I was all in. And instead of reading fantasy books, I was reading everything I could find on the subject of manifesting. 

What I came to learn though, was that I was searching for magic from outside sources. From wands, and rings, and through wardrobes. It wasn’t magic, but a way to tap into your inner knowing and begin to understand yourself and the world differently. What I discovered through my research on the Law of Attraction was...
I had the power within in me all along. 

You see...
you are not separate from the universe...
You are one with it.
When you lean into that belief and know for certain that you are not separate from your desires, or the magic, or the power of creation-
 the world of magic becomes real.
You are deeply connected to Source. Your soul knows this. Manifestation isn't harnessing the universe's power, it's learning that that power is a part of you.


We disconnect from it through beliefs, learned behaviors, society, pain and struggle. But. It's always there. The practice of manifestation isn't really about learning to use the Law of Attraction, it's unlearning the lies and

reconnecting to our truth. 

What I also came to discover was that the degrees in psychology and human understanding I was earning weren’t contradicting manifestation. In fact, a lot of the practices and theories I resonated the most with… were saying the SAME THINGS as the books on the Law of Attraction. That our thoughts and beliefs create our reality and the research backed it up.

I created 
The Magic Within
1 Month Manifesting Workshop 

because I deeply believe that understanding manifestation is life-changing. I use it with all my clients and have been learning about it for over a decade. I have manifested my dream home, my husband, my goal job even before I graduated graduate school, a trip to Hawaii, my role as Cinderella in Disney World and SO MUCH MORE!

I created this challenge because I wanted the myths to be debunked and for you to truly grasp the concepts. I want to teach you that your magic wand is deeply embedded in you and you have the power to create the life that you desire. I want you to know your ruby slippers can remain gathering dust in your closet because you don't need them, my dear. You are the power.

You are the magic. 


I am bringing you EVERYTHING I KNOW about manifesting -the accumulated knowledge I’ve gained over the years PLUS sharing how it all connects to psychology and understanding the mind & nervous system (which you won’t find in many other manifesting programs.)

and I’m condensing it all into

30 jam-packed videos

you can watch one a day for 30 days OR watch in your time frame. You’ll get access to all 30 videos right away.

By the end of the videos …

you’ll be a Manifesting Master!

This challenge is for you if…

-you desire to create a more confident and empowered version of yourself 

-you feel ready to shift your mindset into a more positive and uplifting one

-you want to understand manifestation and go beyond what “The Secret” explained to actually manifest what you desire

-you want to understand how psychological research parallels the concepts behind the law of attraction 

-you feel ready for support and enthusiastic about ending 2020 in a much better place personally !! 


What you’ll learn:

Week One


Week Two


Week Three


Week Four


What you’ll walk away with..

  • A deep understanding of how to practice and apply manifesting in your life.

  • Incredible and applicable mindset shifts that will leave you feeling empowered to bring your manifestations to life.

  • Tools, tips, & resources that will enhance your manifesting abilities.

  • An understanding of how manifestation parallels with psychology research.

  • The knowledge of how to cultivate positive energy, embody the life you desire, work through fear, and lean into the faith so that you can call in the life you desire.

Your investment:

You’ll receive access to ALL 30 VIDEOS IMMEDIATELY! Which means you can watch them at anytime. Back to back, 30 days in a row, or whenever you have time. These 30 videos will give you a FULL understanding of the art of manifestation and everything you need to know to create the life you want!

(Total Value: $1111.00)

Your Investment:
